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Miracles of the Rosary

While St. Dominic was preaching the Rosary to 12,000 people an Albigensian man approached him who
was possessed by the devil. He was possessed because he attacked the 15 mysteries of the Rosary
which caused 15,000 demons to enter his body. St. Dominic asked the man to speak and when he did
the demons said that he has put fear into the depths of hell because there are so many souls that are
taken away from them when people pray the Rosary. St. Dominic put his Rosary around the man’s neck
and asked the devils who they feared the most amongst all the saints in heaven? The devil would not tell
him and started wailing and screaming. St. Dominic knelt down and asked the Blessed Mother for help.
All of a sudden flame came out of the ears, nostrils and mouth of the man. The devils were tormented
by this question. St. Dominic started praying to the Blessed Mother and suddenly she appeared with a
multitude of angels surrounding her. She struck the possessed man with a rod and commanded him to speak.

The devils screamed and said that the Blessed Mother was their enemy and their downfall and
destruction. They said that the Blessed Mother is all powerful and she can save her servants from falling
into hell. It’s her that uncovers their hidden plots, break snares and makes temptations useless and
ineffective. Not a single soul that has really persevered in her service has never been damned. St. Louis
de Montfort stated that one single sigh that she offers to the Blessed Trinity is worth far more than all
the good works, and all the martyrdoms of all the saints combined. The devils fear her more than all the
other saints in heaven. Christians who call upon her when they’re at the hour of death and who really
ought to be damned according to their standards are saved by her intercession.

They went on to say that because of the strength of her they were not able to conquer the church and
destroy it. Lastly, they said that anyone who perseveres in praying the Rosary will not be damned.
Because she is the greatest intercessor before Her son Jesus Christ who for her servants obtains the
grace of true contrition for their sins and by the means of this, they obtain God’s forgiveness and mercy.
St. Dominic had everyone say the Rosary slowly and with great devotion then something wonderful
happened. After each Hail Mary that was said a large group of devils came out of the man. When all of
devils were expelled, the Blessed Mother gave her blessing and they were filled with joy. A large number
of heretics were converted because of this miracle and joined the Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary.

Rosary Miracle

This miracle happened during the 20th century when the United States dropped atomic bombs on the
Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. When Hiroshima was bombed on August 6, 1945, an entire
house of Jesuits survived and were completely unaffected by the bomb. The Jesuit house was only eight
blocks from where the bomb went off and should have been totally annihilated. A church attached to
the Jesuit house and everything else around it for miles was completely destroyed, but the house where
the Jesuits stayed was NOT affected at all and everything was intact.
Also, none of the Jesuits suffered any illnesses from the radiation or any loss of hearing and lived many
years after this event. Father Hubert Schiffer who lived in the house with eight other Jesuits testified
that he believed that they were saved because of the praying the rosary every day in response to Our
Lady of Fatima’s request.  Another bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, Japan on August 9, 1945 and
exploded in the Uramaki district of the city. There were many Catholics living in that area during the 16th century.
This is where St. Maximilian Kolbe founded a Conventual Franciscan mission in the 1930’s, calling it the “Garden of the
Immaculate.” When St. Maximilian settled on this property, he was told that the location was poor
because it was facing away from the city behind a hill and no one would want to visit it. St Maximilian
went ahead a built it anyway. Miraculously, when the bomb was dropped the Franciscans’, house was
unharmed and all the friars survived with no injuries. The Franciscans prayed the rosary every day in
their house as the Jesuits did in theirs. The Blessed Mother’s intercession and guidance was at hand to
protect them from the bomb.

Rosary Miracle

In the Philippines in 1986, the people used the rosary to overcome the dictatorship of President
Ferdinand Marcos. On the Sunday before the collapse of the Marcos regime, tens of thousands of
Filipinos protested against the dictator by lining up and kneeling in front of armed tanks to pray the
rosary. There were devout nuns who were in the front lines leading the rosary. When they were told to
move away from the tanks or they would be run over they prayed even louder. Dominican priests
arrived with a replica of the statue of Our Lady, La Naval de Manila, and carried it in front of the tanks.
On one side of the road where the tanks were there was a billboard with an image of Fr. Patrick Peyton
with the inscription, “The Family that prays together, stays together.”

Miraculously, there was never a shot fired, the tanks never touched the people, and President Ferdinand
Marcos and his wife, Imelda, fled the country. Cardinal Jaime Sin, the archbishop of Manila, spoke to
many of the soldiers who were there that day and said that they were about to run over the people with
the tanks when they saw an extremely beautiful lady who instructed them to stop their tanks and not to
harm the people because she was the queen of the island. Can you guess who that was?

Rosary Miracle

In 1978 the Rosary saved a young woman from being raped and killed by the serial killer Ted Bundy. He
brutally killed at least 30 people. He was eventually caught and executed by electric chair in 1989.
Before his death he testified to one of his killings that he could not understand.
On the evening of January 15, 1978, Ted broke into a sorority house at Florida State University in
Tallahassee and brutally assaulted and killed several young women. However, one of the women in the
house was not touched or killed even though she had come face to face with him. When the police
arrived at the murders, they found the young woman in a catatonic state. All she wanted to do is speak
to a priest. They called a local priest named Monsignor William Kerr to the scene to talk to the woman.
She told the priest that after he had killed two of her sorority sisters and severely harmed two others, he
opened the door to her room ready to kill her too.

Oddly, when Ted opened the door and saw her lying in bed, he dropped his weapon and ran away. The
young woman told Msgr. Kerr that before she had gone off to college, she had promised her mother
that she would pray the rosary every night before going to bed for protection. That night she had fell
asleep while praying the rosary. The rosary was in her hand when Ted opened the door and looked at

Ted Bundy was on death row and he asked for spiritual guidance from Msgr. William Kerr, the same
priest that spoke to the young woman on the night of the murders. During their conversation Ted
mention that he had no idea why he did not kill her. He said when he opened the door, he had every
intention to do so but a mysterious force prevented him from entering the room, and he dropped his
weapon and ran away. Of course, that mysterious force was the rosary!

Until next time, wear your scapular and pray your Holy Rosary daily! Stay tuned to learn more about the Holy Rosary.
Many Blessings,