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The symbol of the Carmelite Order has many different meanings. The Carmelite symbol is often referred to as the Coat of Arms or the Crest of Carmel. You may ask yourself why do the Carmelites have this symbol, or why is it necessary. The Carmelite Order is no different than any other nation, organization, and individuals that have a special identity that will separate them from someone else. The symbol expresses an important part of the order’s history, quality, or traits. Each part of the symbol represents all the elements that make up the Discalced Carmelite Order which is one of the most ancient and adored orders of the Roman Catholic Church.

The first symbol is the Seal of Mount Carmel. In the center of the seal is Mount Carmel and the tip is reaching to the sky. This represents where the Carmelites began in the 19th Century in Haifa, Israel. Before the 19th Century the prophet Elijah lived there starting in the 9th Century BC where he had a deep experience with God. Then in the 12th Century, a group of hermits were inspired to live there just as Elijah did and lived a life of allegiance to Jesus Christ (The Carmelite Rule). In the 16th Century, the cross on the peak of the mountain was a characteristic mark of the Discalced Carmelites. Also, on the seal are three six-pointed stars which represent the three important events in the history of Carmel.

The first star inside the mountain represents the prophetic time of the prophet Elijah to St. John the Baptist. The second star represents when the order spread throughout the east and west. This was from the time of St. John to the time of Berthold the first Latin General. The third star from Berthold to the end of time. These stars also stand for a remembrance to the members of the Carmelite Order. The star inside the mountain represents the Carmelites who are still on their way to the top of Mt. Carmel meaning heaven. The other two stars symbolize all the Carmelites who have gone before us and have reached their ultimate goal which is union with God in everlasting joy of heaven.

The second symbol is called the Motto which is the banner surrounding the seal. The words around the seal were spoken from the prophet Elijah’s spirit and zeal for the only true God. “Zelo zelatus sum pro Domino Deo exercituum” – which means “With zeal have I been zealous for the Lord God of Hosts.” – 1 Kings 19:10.

The third symbol is called the Flaming Sword. This is above the seal you will see an arm and a hand that is holding a flaming sword. This is the symbol of Elijah that represents his fiery spirit and passion for God whose word “burned like a torch” (Eccl. 48:1). Elijah was on fire for the Lord and lived constantly in His presence. Elijah is an inspiration for all Carmelites and we try every day to follow in his footsteps.

The fourth symbol is called The Crown of Gold. The Crown of Gold represents the Kingdom of God. Carmelites strive to serve God with a pure and steadfast heart. We as Carmelites strive to live out our vocation in allegiance to Jesus Christ in service to our communities and the universal church. We are to model the virtues of the Blessed Virgin Mary who’s the patronage of the Order and also to follow the teachings of St. Teresa of Jesus and St. John of the Cross the reformers of Carmel.

The fifth symbol is called the Halo of Stars. The Halo of twelve stars above the crown represents the Blessed Virgin Mary. St. John saw a prophetic vision as: “a woman clothed with the sun on her head a crown of twelve stars” (Revelations 12:1). The twelve points of the stars represent the Carmelite Rule which are: obedience, chastity, poverty, reconciliation, mental prayer, divine office, chapter, abstinence from meat, manual labor, silence, humility, and supererogation. This means to perform works and good deeds above and beyond what is required for their own salvation and others in need of salvation.

I hope you enjoyed learning about the Symbol of Mount Carmel. Until next time may God bless you abundantly!