The Bullet, Lightning and Famine Miracles are three more examples of miracles attributed to the Brown Scapular.The Bullet, Lightning and Famine Miracles attributed to the Brown Scapular

The Bullet Miracle

The King of France, Louis XIII witnessed a miracle with one of the officers in his army in a town call Montpellier in 1622. Champrond De Beauregard, while in battle was shot in the chest. The shot should have been fatal, but the bullet, when it hit the officer’s chest flattened out against the Brown Scapular without harming the officer. Many people that were around him witnessed this miracle and the news spread through the army from rank to rank.

The news eventually came to King Louis, so he went to examine what happened. He was amazed at what his eyes had witnessed. The king was so impressed with the Blessed Mother’s intercession that he himself wanted to wear the Brown Scapular and to be enrolled as one of the members of the Confraternity.

The Lightning Miracle

A Spanish soldier named Barthelemi Lopez wore his Brown Scapular faithfully and experience a miracle. On August 27, 1602 while he was on duty in the Castle of Saint Elme in Naples, he was saying his prayers to Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Suddenly lightning and thunder exploded above his head. The lightning bolt hit his shoulder and he was unharmed. When he looked down he noticed a print of the Cross was left on his shoulder. He knew because of his devotion to the Brown Scapular and the Blessed Mother’s intercession he was protected and unharmed.

The Famine Miracles

In the Fourteenth Century, Spain had a terrible famine due to the shortage of all sorts of grains. Many people gathered in the streets and they had a procession holding the Brown Scapular. Immediately after this event happened the Blessed Mother interceded and restored the food supply.

During the 16th Century, in Sicily, a drought occurred much like the one in the days of the prophet Elijah. The people asked for the Blessed Mother’s intercession and the Brown Scapular was given to many people in the streets. While they were venerating the Brown Scapular, suddenly the sky opened and the rain came pouring down. The Blessed Mother is truly the greatest intercessor before Our Lord Jesus Christ!

For other miracles attributed to the Brown Scapular see my earlier posts.