Another Presentation Falling on a Carmelite Feast Day
On November 19, 2023 (the Feast of St. Raphael Kalinowski) I gave a presentation to all the children at St. Anthony of Padua Parish, Paterson, NJ religious education program. The grades and ages varied from 2nd through 9th which included the Confirmation candidates.
Please take a look at the presentation video above or visit our presentation page here.
Each And Every Presentation I Do Is A Blessing – But This Was Extra Special
All of my presentations are blessings to me, but this one was extra special. When I walked into the church and went to the front of the altar and looked to the right there was a special statue waiting there for me. If you guessed Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, you’re right! I knew now why I felt so special there. The intercession of the Blessed Mother was at hand as well.
You may read another recent blog post: 15 promises given to us by the Blessed Virgin Mary for praying the Rosary. Please visit our website and YouTube channel to learn more.
There Were Two Presentations
I gave two presentations. One to the higher grades and then again to the lower grades. The lower grades needed some words interpreted by the DRE in Spanish. This made me very happy because I did not want them to miss out on anything I said. This was the first time my presentation had an interpreter. Another special gift. I stressed the importance of praying the Holy Rosary with their families and becoming a soldier for the Blessed Mother. The children all received a spiritual weapon goodie bag containing a Brown Scapular (plus leaflet) and Holy Rosary (plus guide). In addition, I always include a flyer on the 15 promises the Blessed Mother has given us when we pray the Rosary, quotes from Saints on WHY we should pray the Rosary and the First Five Saturday Devotion.
A Lovely Conclusion To My Presentation
At the end of my presentation everyone attended Holy Mass, and at the end of Mass the pastor invested everyone into the Brown Scapular. This was just another blessing! Sometimes the pastors are short on time and are not able to do this. At the end of the day ALL GLORY to GOD everything ran so smoothly!!! Thank you Our Lady of Mt. Carmel and St. Raphael Kalinowski for all your intercession.
Have a Blessed Advent Season!!!!
Much Love
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