Garden of Grace Family Marion Enrollment

Please watch the above 2 videos and subscribe to my YouTube channel on this page here!

My spring session started on March 11th and ended on March 19th the Feast of St. Joseph, the patron saint of the Carmelite Order. The Fall session started on October 16th and ended on October 30th – Blessed Maria Teresa of St. Joseph Tauscher, OCD.

As you may notice, there is a St. Joseph theme going on with both the spring and fall sessions. This does not surprise me one bit, as he’s a favorite among the Carmelites. St. Teresa of Avila, OCD the reformer of the order was a huge lover of St. Joseph and even named her first foundation (monastery) after him.  

The Fall & Spring Classes Were A Huge Success

The Fall and Spring classes were both a huge success and the participants were very engaged and learned a lot. through both sessions.

Father Phil Tangorra the pastor at Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish, Branchville, NJ enrolled the participants at the end of the sessions. There was a beautiful Mass for the Feast of St. Joseph and after the homily Father Phil enrolled participants. The Fall enrollment was during Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament. 

Father Phil stressed the importance of wearing the Brown Scapular and the service and commitment they now have towards the Blessed Mother.

Stay tuned for next year’s dates by following The Little Brown Scapular Coloring Book‘s blog page here.  Please also feel free to view my presentation page for information on recent presentations. Until then have a very blessed Easter Season and may God Bless you abundantly. 


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