Presentation at Our Lady of Consolation Parish, January 21, 2024
This presentation did not fall on a Carmelite Feast Day; however, it fell on the Lord’s Day which is the BEST Feast Day ever!!
Please take a look at my video on YouTube and subscribe to my YouTube channel here!
Another Truly Blessed Presentation & Teaching
Another blessed presentation teaching at Our Lady of Consolation Parish, Wayne, NJ about the Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel and all the benefits received by wearing it. The 3rd and 4th graders were very engaged and asked many questions during the presentation. As part of my presentation, I teach the children about Our Lady of Fatima’s message about doing small sacrifices in order to help others. I gave them an example of giving up a snack after school to offer a sacrifice to GOD which pleases Him so much.
We Spoke Praying The Holy Rosary Within Our Families And Why Doing So Is Crucial
As always, I did touch on the importance of praying the Holy Rosary especially with their families. At the end of my presentation, I assigned praying the Rosary with their families for homework. One of the teachers gave me a thumbs up who was in the class. The children were excited to know that they could learn how to pray the Rosary along with reciting all the prayers in back of my coloring book.
Each Child Received The little Brown Scapular Coloring Book
Each child received The little Brown Scapular Coloring Book, which includes a child size Brown Scapular and a glow in the dark Rosary. Father Lombardo was not available to enroll them into the Brown Scapular after my presentation, however, the DRE Debbie Dericks (who was wonderful by the way) mentioned that Father would invest them the following week. What a blessing!!!
Until my next blog post and/or presentation! I hope this post and all of my posts conveys the message that you should pray your Holy Rosary daily and wear your Brown Scapular. It’s Our Lady’s plea!
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