Presentation on the Feast of Our Lady of Loreto (December 10, 2023) & The Vigil of St. Maria Maravillas de Jesus (Carmelite Saint)
The Carmelites saints are hard at work again helping me spread the devotion of the Brown Scapular and the Rosary Prayer. Surprisingly, I was so happy to find out that it was the Feast of Our Lady of Loreto. Although this Feast Day is not connected to an apparition, it still is a very special time. It’s important because it reminds us of one of the homes that the Blessed Mother lived in, The Miracle of the Holy House of Loreto. I was blessed to have visited a replica of her last home she lived in (Ephesus, Turkey) when vacationing in Vermont, Our Lady of Ephesus House of Prayer, Jamaica, VT.
The Presentation To The First Holy Communicants At Our Lady Queen of Peace R.C. Church
I gave a presentation to the First Holy Communicants at Our Lady of Queen of Peace Parish, Branchville, NJ – my parish.
Father Phil invested the children after my presentation using my coloring book which has the investment formula in the back of The Little Brown Scapular Coloring Book. All the children received a coloring book plus a Brown Scapular and a glow in the dark Rosary.
The Books Were Generously Donated By My Client
The books were donated from one of my clients who, by the Grace of God, contacted me the day before. She had asked if she could purchase a book for her granddaughter. Her granddaughter, who is also a student in the class, was scheduled to receive her First Holy Communion during the month of May. I explained she would receive the book at that time because I would be doing the presentation to the entire class.
Admittedly, my client was a little disappointed. She had wanted the book to come from her as a gift. I made a suggestion that she could donate the books to the class this way the book would be coming from her. She thought it was a great idea and that’s exactly what she did.
Everyone Was Filled With Gratitude From Her Generous Action
What a wonderful act of kindness. When I mentioned this to the class everyone was extremely grateful and we all said a Hail Mary for my client because of her generous donation.
The Presentation Went Wonderfully
This class was very engaged and attentive. Thanks be to GOD. Listen to the interaction with Father Phil in the video below asking them about the Brown Scapular and the little miracle that happened because of the intercession of the Blessed Mother when the church had a fire. Too cute. 😊
Please take a look at the presentation video above or visit our presentation page here.
Until next time, may God Bless you abundantly.
Love Francine
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