Family Faith Formation is on the RISE
Nov. 8, 2023 (the Feast of St. Elizabeth of the Trinity, (1880-1906) (Carmelite Saint)
My presentations often fall on a Carmelite Feast Day, which doesn’t surprise me. The date is always decided by the Director of Religious Education, never by me. This is my confirmation that the saint it falls on (usually a Carmelite saint) their intercession is at hand. Thank you, St. Elizabeth of the Trinity.
I gave a presentation to Family Faith Formation at Our Lady Star of the Sea, Lake Hopatcong, NJ on Nov. 8, 2023. In spite of all the attacks from the devil leading up to this presentation, it was a success. This was the second year I was invited back to speak. Thanks be to GOD!
Overview and Content of the Presentation
The presentation was on the Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel and I spoke about the importance of praying the Holy Rosary with their families. Before my presentation started the Director of Religious Education (DRE) spoke about the importance of regular confession. This tied in beautifully with my presentation. When wearing the Brown Scapular, you should be following all the teachings of the Catholic church which includes the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The Brown Scapular prepares us to receive grace from God and cooperate with it. The Lord will give us the grace to go to confession.
The DRE asked the parents if they remembered their first confession. One parent mentioned that he was very frightened. When it was my time to present, I had to elaborate on the importance of frequent confession. People often have a misconception about reconciliation. Each time we go to confession, Our Lord gives us many graces and healings. I explained that Our Lord hands are wide open welcoming us and wants to heal us from our sins. All the saints in Heaven are rejoicing when we receive this sacrament.
“So I say to you, there shall be joy before the angels of God upon one sinner doing penance.” Lk.15.10. “Be NOT afraid.” Matthew 14
Every Child Received A Coloring Book
Each child received my coloring book, The little Brown Scapular Coloring Book, The Story, Miracles and the Rosary Prayer. The parents received a packet that included a Brown Scapular, Holy Rosary, a leaflet explaining the Brown Scapular, a Rosary guide and a flyer with a list of 15 promises the Blessed Mother has given us when we pray the Holy Rosary. Also, listed were quotes of saints on WHY we should pray the Holy Rosary, and the Five First Saturday devotion that connects to the Brown Scapular, the Holy Rosary and the Fatima message. Stay tuned for more presentations coming up.
Many Blessings,
#thelittlebrownscapularbook #brownscapularandtherosary #brownscapulardevotion #brownscapular #ourladyofmountcarmel #secularcarmelite #catholicdevotional #rosaryprayer #rosarybeads #romancatholics #stelizabethofthetrinity #catholicreligiouseducation #ccdteachers #devotiontomary #carmelitesaints #catholicfamilyformatioin #catholicconfession #sacramentofreconcilation #catholicreligious #catholicformation #catholicpresentation #catholicchurch #catholicsaints #ourladystarofthesea #motherofgod #blessedmother